Tuesday, January 29, 2013

O&R back at it cutting our trees down ! 1/21/13: We recently  (1-21-13) awoke to the sounds of shou...

O&R back at it cutting our trees down ! 1/21/13: We recently  (1-21-13) awoke to the sounds of shou...: We recently  (1-21-13) awoke to the sounds of shouting men and whining chain saws! O&R has hired a new subcontractor, Aspelundh Tree Co. to ...

O&R back at it cutting down our trees!

We recently  (1-21-13) awoke to the sounds of shouting men and whining chain saws! O&R has hired a new subcontractor, Aspelundh Tree Co. to cut down more of  our trees! This time a 75 year old evergreen that has been here with us for 25 years! Just cut down and chopped up into smaller bits! For no justifiable reason , the man said " I am just doing my job ". Like a man named Adolf once said!  I took pictures. I am so angry! This is wrong! This not what should be happening on my land! This is my home. I pay the taxes! I own this property! I nurture it! I take care of it! They come and spray poisonous HERBICIDES on it! The defile it! They killed my honeybees! No one has said a word of support! Why ? Watch your homes and land you may be next!